I cry out and said that why God you don't answer my pray.
And I was so sad, so sad. I almost gave up.
I thought that: "God, why are you forsaken me?"
Then David and Isaac came and pray for me. He sad: "Don't fight, let go. Rest in God's arms."
"You don't have to fight so hard for a vision. Just let go, let God come in. Rest in God's arms."
"God says :But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles. As your name is Eagle, you'll soar like a n eagle. Just wait until the wind blow, take the wings, and you'll soar like an eagle."
"I see a long long way in front of you, and it's not a easy road. When when the wind blow, you'll get up and run this road. But before that, you have to wait and prepare. Until the time comes, that you can run this long long road"
And after that, David asked me: "Did I pray the right thing for you? "
I was a little bit confuse, "Why you ask that?"
"I'm not sure. Is it what you want?"
"Will, I ask God for a vision, he didn't give. But I think what you said is the answer for me. There is not a vision for me now. But I should prepare for THE DAY, and I'll run this long way.", I replied.
David said, "I see you are walk a vary long way - although is not a vary tough way, but it not easy."
"Will, If one want live an easy life, that he shouldn't be a Christian."
But David did not agree, "Not all the Christians. Some of them do live an easy life."
I said, "But when you know God more, that you'll know that is not easy at all."
David smiled, "When the day, I pray for you, is come. You must let me know."
"Of cause.", I smiled too.
"Actually, I got a same vision. My priest saw me on a tough way."
And he smiled again, "And sometimes I'll think, why me? Why God choice me to go this way? Cause it so hard to go."
"But, we have to. Cause it's our way." :)
OK, as the title:"In quietness and in confidence shall be your strength."
God said to me, he said: "Rest, and you'll renew your strength. Wait until the wind, take the wings, and you gonna soar with me. :) "
- Mar 19 Mon 2007 01:18